
Agriculture For Poverty Reduction - How To ... X

By Nathan Bonnet, last updated at 2011-11-18

The World Bank reports that many policies are needed to realize the full potential of agriculture for poverty reduction. Access to land, water and human capital are needed for the poor. The poor need to be able to use the facilities for savings and credit win. They also need natural resources management to cope with many natural disasters that they face in disadvantaged areas they live in. It is also necessary for them to have a voice in political decision-making that affects their lives and way to keep the institutions that affect the account of the poor.


Success of agriculture does not always lead to poverty reduction. Brazil and Bolivia, for example, agricultural growth has been concentrated in large companies that employ more skilled, higher paid employees rather than the rural poor. Neither country has been able to reduce its poverty level. The World Bank reports that "the effect of reducing poverty depends on increasing farm incomes of poor smallholder participation in the growth process. Agricultural growth reduces poverty in that it creates employment opportunities for the poor. "

The United Nations Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) cites organic farming as a fast growing segment of the food industry. According to IFAD, organic farming "refers to a farm management system that is in harmony with the local environment, using best practices to achieve productivity and foster ecosystems with very little use of chemicals Toxic. "


Agriculture has proved its effectiveness in reducing poverty. The World Bank cross-country economic estimates show how "many countries that had relatively high rates of agricultural growth has seen a substantial reduction of poverty." He cites the rapid growth of China in agriculture as the underlying cause of decline in the country in poverty from 53 percent in 1981 to 8 percent in 2001. Agricultural development is key to India's long-term poverty reduction. Ghana has also declined by 24 percent in poverty was in part due to its strong agricultural growth. Agriculture has been tried twice more effective than non-agricultural sectors to benefit the poorest half of a country.


The poor are most concentrated in rural areas. Most of them depend on agriculture. The World Bank "Agriculture and Poverty Reduction" report, "75 percent of the world's poor live in rural areas --- 883 million people in poverty than U.S. $ 1 per day. Rural poverty rate (29 percent on average) are significantly higher than urban rates (13 percent). Agriculture is a source of income for about 86 percent of the rural population (2.5 billion people). "

Agriculture has been found by the World Bank to be an effective form of poverty reduction for the rural poor. Organic farming is a fast growing segment of the food industry that offers the added benefit of improving the health of those involved. The success of agriculture for poverty reduction, however, ultimately depends on the implementation of several other related policies.

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